DE: Low Alloy Steel Testing

DE: Low Alloy Steel Testing

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What is Low Alloy Steel?

Low alloy steel is defined as steel with a lower than 10% content of carbon, manganese, chronium, nickel, molybdenum, barium, vandium, and silicon combined. Low alloy steel testing with a machine like Bruker’s S1 TITAN for elemental composition mostly revolves around quantifying these elements.

Low Alloy Steel Grades and Steel Scrap

The alloyants of steel with grades lower than 10% of carbon, manganese, chronium, nickel, molybdenum, barium, vandium, and silicon improve the strength and hardness of low alloy steels compared to the carbon steels and even to stainless steels (as long as their temperature remains well under 400° C).

When it comes to steel scrap, low alloy scrap is usually not a hot commodity because the concentration of valuable metals in it is low: the value distinctions between different alloy steel grades are small, while steel mills have exigent requirements concerning  range of applications as the quality of the output depends on that of the raw material. Base steel grades are more compatible with the presence of “tramp” elements, but making special steel grades purely out of alloy steel scrap requires careful sorting and preparation of the metal to create optimal alloy steel grades.

Copper and tin are usually found only in old scrap, where they can be present either in a pure form or in combination with steel parts. Chromium, nickel and molybdenum cannot be verified visually, thus an accurate composition test is required.

Send us a message right now to find out how our advanced and trusty portable low alloy steel testing machine – the Bruker S1 TITAN – can solve your industry’s analytical needs!

Applications of Low Alloy Steel

There are various applications of Low Alloy Steel:

  • Serving as Construction material in chemical, petrochemical, and electrical energy plants.

  • range of applications in process pressure vessels, load-bearing structures, in car parts, low-cost aerospace parts, tubing, and low-cost cutting tools.

  • A special category of low alloy steels is Chrome-moly or Chromoly (Cr/Mo Steels). These steels, labeled 41** in the AISI / SAE classification, contain 1-9% Cr and 0.5-1% Mo, which can be tested with a steel checking machine. These low alloy steels are used in the petrochemical and electrical energy sectors for their good creep and high temperature resistance.

To determine if your low alloy steel is right for its dedicated application, you can easily use our steel testing machine and check your steel composition in less than 10 seconds. Get more information on our Bruker S1 TITAN steel checking machine now.

different kinds of low alloy steel grades for steel testing machine

Steel Testing Machine: How to test Low Alloy Steels for “Trace” and “Tramp” Impurities

The presence of undesirable but persistent “tramp elements” tends to strengthen and harden steel, with a corresponding loss in malleability. For instance, molybdenum and chronium in an extra-low-carbon steel will increase its resistance to hot deformation, necessitating greater rolling loads to work with it.

The presence of tin and arsenic negatively influences the recrystallization kinetics during annealing of some cold-rolled steel grades, meaning an increase in annealing temperature is required. Copper, often present at 0.2% or above, tends to cause surface defects as a result of scaling and cracking. Nickel, when present in an equal quantity, can reduce copper's effect, however tin and arsenic will increase it. For example, when as little as 0.05% of tin is added to a steel containing 0.22% copper, the tendency towards cracking is increased. Low alloy steel grades and their exact composition are of importance here.

In addition, tramp inclusions also affect downstream steel processing and the resulting steel's properties. This can cause grain-boundary embrittlement even in structural low alloy steels, which may express itself as cracking caused by stress, stress-relief, fatigue or creep rupture. The list of problems caused by impurities does not end here, and they can be aggravated by heat treatment in steel processing.

Metallurgy has developed various complex ways to deal with the issues caused by tramp impurities. Those methods depend on knowing exactly which of the relevant elements are present in a steel. That returns us to our subject of effective steel checking: This can be achieved by using a steel testing machine like the portable Bruker S1 TITAN analyzer gun. You can get precise results in seconds – saving you time and money when examining low alloy steel.

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Steel testing machine Bruker S1 Titan


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